Duncan, Lowell Oswalt (Oswalt, Lowell Duncan); b. February 2 (3), 1909, Wheeler County, Shamrock, Texas; Attended Polytechnic College in Billings, Montana for 1 year; Single; Construction Worker and Moving Picture Projectionist; CP 1937 and CP of Spain May 5, 1938; Received Passport# 26103, San Francisco series, on March 3, 1937 which listed his address as 24 West 21st Street, NYC, and Shamrock, Texas (3763 W. 4th Street, Fort Worth, Texas); Arrived in Spain on April 26 (May 5), 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Lincoln BN; Albacete Auto Park; XII BDE, 3rd BN Rakosi, Sanidad; 150th BDE Mixed, 3rd BN, Sanidad; XIII BDE, Sanidad; 15th Army Corps, Sanidad; 35th Division, Inspection of Sanidad; WIA, Shrapnel in leg; Returned to the US on December 20, 1938 aboard the Ausonia; WWII US Army Air Corps, Third Air Corps; Gasoline Truck Driver; Rank PFC; Married Faiga Fram (1914-2004) on May 3, 1940 and they lived in Marin County City, California; Two sons James Lister Duncan and Tom Duncan; Lowell worked at the Marinship, shipyard before joining the Army; d. December 29, 1979.
Source: Scope of Soviet Activity; Cadre (under Oswalt, Lowal Duncon); Lincoln; RGASPI; (obituary) The Volunteer, Volume 2, No. 1, p. ___; Additional biographical information from Lowell’s nephew Joel Fram. Code A
Lowell Duncan (Faiga Duncan widow), ALBA V 48-010, February 27, 1985 (shared tape with Bill Bailey), Manny Harriman Video Oral History Collection; ALBA VIDEO 048; box number 23; folder number 1; Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University.
Photograph: Lowell Oswalt Duncan in Spain, RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 884; and from nephew. Lowell Oswalt Duncan and wife Faiga Duncang 1945. Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Photograph Collection; ALBA Photo 15; Series I Photographs 1930s-1990s, Box 1, Folder 68. Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012, New York University Libraries.
Source: Scope of Soviet Activity; Cadre (under Oswalt, Lowal Duncon); Lincoln; RGASPI; (obituary) The Volunteer, Volume 2, No. 1, p. ___; Additional biographical information from Lowell’s nephew Joel Fram. Code A
Lowell Duncan (Faiga Duncan widow), ALBA V 48-010, February 27, 1985 (shared tape with Bill Bailey), Manny Harriman Video Oral History Collection; ALBA VIDEO 048; box number 23; folder number 1; Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University.
Photograph: Lowell Oswalt Duncan in Spain, RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 884; and from nephew. Lowell Oswalt Duncan and wife Faiga Duncang 1945. Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Photograph Collection; ALBA Photo 15; Series I Photographs 1930s-1990s, Box 1, Folder 68. Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012, New York University Libraries.