(Krausikoff; Kravsikoff; Krausikoff, Maurice); b. August 21, 1911, NYC; Father Harry Krausikoff (1885-?), mother Molly Krausikoff (1882-?); Single; Machinist and Driver; YCL 1933 and CP 1935; Received Passport# 366611 on Friday 11, 1937 which listed his address as 110 Montague Street, Brooklyn, New York; Sailed March 10, 1937 aboard the Washington; Arrived in Spain on March 28, 1937; Served with the Cuerpo de Sanidad; In charge of hospital transportation at Benicasim; Returned to the US on March 13, 1939 aboard the President Harding; WWII Civilian, welder in shipyards on both the East and West Coast.Siblings: sisters Stella Krausikoff (1909-?), and Katharine Krausikoff (1913-?).
Source: Scope of Soviet Activity (under Krausikoff), Cadre (under Krausikoff), RGASPI; ALBA 064 Martin Krauss Papers; (obituary) Irving Weissman, The Volunteer, Volume 15, No. 1; L-W Tree Ancestry. Code A
Photograph: Mac Krauss in Spain, RA Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 926.