Hartsell, Marshall Fuquay, Sr (Hartzell). b. August 8, 1918, Durham, North Carolina; Never in Spain; Father Luther T. Hartsell, Mother Ella F. Hartsell; Married; Domicile 402 Carr St., Durham, N. C.; Appears to have made two attempts to get to Spain; He was returned along with Willard Holland from Southhampton, where he was apprehended as a stowaway, to the US on February 16, 1938 aboard the Queen Mary arriving in the US on February 21, 1938; Sailed in August 1938 as a stowaway aboard the Normandie; Was traveling with Vernold Masten Beebe; James Garrett, Willam Joseph Holland, Walter B. Byczek, Bernard Kaplan, Israel Luckonick, Gerald McManus (aka Jerome Josephs), David Parker, Henry Louis Ulanoff, and John W. White; Arrested in France, Did not indicate going to Spain; Served two months in Jail and was then deported to US; Married Annie Ruth Stephenson on March 4, 1938 in Danville, VA; WWII US Navy, Seaman 2nd Class, noted as being wounded in action; d. April 19, 1982, Warren, Michigan.
Sources: USSDA 852.2221, 1930-1939, Reel 50; USSDA 351.1121 Kaplan, Bernard/22; LW Tree Ancestry. Code A
Sources: USSDA 852.2221, 1930-1939, Reel 50; USSDA 351.1121 Kaplan, Bernard/22; LW Tree Ancestry. Code A