Kornell, Mathais Irving b. September 9, 1915, San Francisco, California; AMB; Father Lester M. Kornell (1893-?), mother Antoinette Roth (1896-?); Married; Medical student at Berkeley, 3 years; YCL February 1937; Received Passport# 481885 on October 23, 1937 which listed his address as 300 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, California; Sailed October 28, 1937 aboard the Ile de France; Arrived in Spain on November 11 (14), 1937; Served with the Republican Medical Services, Ambulance Driver; Returned to the US on September 26, 1938 aboard the Normandie; WWII US Army Air Corps; enlisted 1941; Married Joelle K. Meyers (1917-?) on May 28, 1954 in Ventura, California; Worked as a Commercial Pilot until 1960; d. May 3, 1969, Mazatlan, Mexico, buried in Guadalajara, Mexico; Wife Marta Letitia Kornell, Son Konradin Kornell.Sibling: Antoinette E. Kornell (1917-?).
Source: Sail; Scope of Soviet Activity; RGASPI. Code A
Photograph: Mathais Irving Kornell, Berkeley College Yearbook 1935, L-W Tree Ancestry.