k-Kantola, Olavi F. (Max; Cantola); b. September 28, 1913, Hancock, Michigan; Finnish American; Father Axel Alfred Kantoloa (1880-1961) and mother Alma Alina (Filpus) Kantola (1888-1959), Father was the editor of the Finnish language Tyomies (Workingman) in Superior, Wisconsin; Olavi lived in the USSR from August 15, 1932 to September 19, 1935; Received Passport# 254357 on February 4, 1936 which listed his address as 34 West 126th Street, NYC; His parents address was 118 Hammond Avenue, Superior Wisconsin; Travelled to the Karelian in the Soviet Union where he organized a baseball team among other activities; Returned to the US July 12, 1937; Arrived in Spain via Agullana on February 20, 1938 via Agullana, served as a group leader on trip to Spain; Sent from the Cuartel Central to the XV BDE on March 2, 1938 as a replacement; Served with the XV BDE, Lincoln-Washington BN; Rank Soldado; Killed in action April 3, 1938, Gandesa, during the Retreats.Siblings: sister Sirkka E. “Betty” Kantola (1917-1976) and brother Oiva Vincent “Packey” Kantola (1916-1997).
Source: Scope of Soviet Activity; BN 58 Retreats; Figueres List; XV BDE; RGASPI F. 545, Opis 6, Delo 36, ll. 78 Arrival in Spain; Opis xx, Delo xx, ll. 93-94, Relacion de los Camaradas Llegado Al Cuartel Central Para la X Brigadea, El Dia Dos de Marzo, 1938, Albacete, March 4, 1938; Opis 6, Delo 1028, ll. 10, Figueres fiche under Kandola; USSDA 2:0669, 56:0234; Finnish; MPE; Mayme Corgan Sevander, Red Exodus includes a photo of Kantola under the name Max Kantola; Information from Mark Lapakko. Code A
Photograph: Olavi Kantola, Passport photograph and family photograph from Bob Kantola.