Cicitta, Pasquale (Pasquale, Cicitta); b. January 9, 1910, NYC; Italian American; Family originally from Sortino (SR); Father Sebastiano Cieitla, mother Santa (Salemi) Cieitla; Single; Metal Worker and Machinist; CP; Received Passport# 369924 on February 26, 1937 which listed his address as 677 Morris Avenue, Bronx, New York; Arrived in Spain on April (March) 4, 1937; Served with the XII “Garibaldi” Brigade, 3 Battalion, Co. 1; Rank Sargento, later promoted to Teniente; Served at Huesca, Brunete, Fuentes de Ebro, Estramadura, Caspe, and the Ebro Offensive; Returned to the US on December 20, 1938 aboard the Ausonia; d. January 24, 1971; buried in the Bronx.Source: Scope of Soviet Activity; Cadre (under Pasquale, Cicitta); RGASPI; CPC; PS; Italian; La Spagna Nel Nostro Cuore; L-W Tree Ancestry. Code A
Photograph: Pasquale Cicitta in Spain, RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 872.