Primo Bolanos, Ramón (Priro; Primo, Ramon; Ramón, Primo Bolaños); b. November 5, 1907, Havana, Cuba, to the US around 1931; Single; Teacher; Domicile 242 West 116th Street, NYC; CP USA or none; Arrived in Spain May 16, 1937 (February 6, 1937); Served with the XV BDE, 24th/59th BN, Plana Mayor; Recognized for work in organizing the BN; Later to the Morata and Tajuna Military Commissary for the 15th Division; Later 1st Mobile Shock Brigade, Estado Mayor (during Brunete); Last unit 45th Division Fortifications; Served at Jarama, Brunete, and Aragon (Fuentes de Ebro with the 24th BN, At Fuentes de Ebro left BDE without permission and was detained by SIM); Later 15th Division Comendencia Morata de Tajuna; Rank Tiente was reduced to Soldado; 1st BDE Shock during Brunete with EM; Last unit 45th Division, Fortifications, 14th BN (?); Rank Cabo; Returned to Cuba on May 27, 1939 aboard the Orduña; Noted as very bad, demoralized element and a provacatur making accusations against the government and IB.Sources: Cadre (under Primo, Ramon); RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 2, Delo 296, ll. 59; Opis 6, Delo 39, ll. 12 Elementos Suspechaados, March 17, 1938; Opis 6, Delo 42, ll. 10-11, Relacion de los Voluntarios Internacionales Que Marchan a Mejico; Opis 6, Delo 42, ll. 28, Relacion de los desertores del Acantonamiento “H”; Opis 6, Delo 42, ll. 62-64, Relacion Aproximativa de Voluntarios Internacionales (Cubanes y Sudamericanes); Opis 6, Delo 585, ll. 89; Relacion Nominal de los Volunterio de Nacionalidad Cuban Que Se Dirigen Amejico; Opis 6, Delo 585, ll. 113 (under Prino), Relacion Nominal de los Volunterio de Nacionalidad Cuban Que Se Dirigen Amejico; Opis 6, Delo 585, ll. 125; Opis 6, Delo 585, ll. 127, Cubanos A exclusir del 1 Convoy Malos y sospechosos (hand-written), undated; Opis 6, Delo 599, ll. 70-79 (under Primo, Ramon); Alfonso Bello and Pérez Díaz; Baumann; SIDBRINT.