k-Frohman, Raleigh b. Bronx, New York, 29 years old; Graduated from Cornell University; Single; Economist (?); Received Passport# 400625 on April 21, 1937 which listed his address as 1075 Gerard Avenue, Bronx, New York; CP 1934, YCL 1933, and Spanish CP; Sailed June 5, 1937 aboard the Lancastria; Arrived in Spain via Espolla on June 20, 1937; Served as the Adjutant at OTS; Later to XV BDE, Mackenzie-Papineau, Co. 3; Rank Soldado; Arrived at the front on January 17, 1938, KIA January 1938, Teruel.
Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; Cadre; Figueres List; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 3, Delo 429, ll. 42, Order of the Day #595, January 18, 1938, p. 2; Opis 6, Delo 892, ll 116, Application to join the Spanish Communist Party; USSDA 2:0560, 54:0534; ALBA. Vertical File, VF.002, Box 3, File 30; Charles Antin, “The Quest for a Missing American Volunteer,” The Volunteer V. 9, No. 3. November 1987; Saul Freidberg “Raleigh Frohman.: April 22, 1996. Code A
Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; Cadre; Figueres List; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 3, Delo 429, ll. 42, Order of the Day #595, January 18, 1938, p. 2; Opis 6, Delo 892, ll 116, Application to join the Spanish Communist Party; USSDA 2:0560, 54:0534; ALBA. Vertical File, VF.002, Box 3, File 30; Charles Antin, “The Quest for a Missing American Volunteer,” The Volunteer V. 9, No. 3. November 1987; Saul Freidberg “Raleigh Frohman.: April 22, 1996. Code A