Allen, Robert Francis b. June 28, 1911, Cleveland, Ohio; father Albert M. Allen; Military HS; MIT, studying engineering 1928-30, Harvard and Yale, studying theater, 1930-33; US Army Reserves, Communications, 1st Lieutenant; Married in Spain to Mary Monica Milward in Barcelona on November 1, 1938; US Consul registered their marriage; Playwright, Radio Operator, and Licensed Engineer (NMU); CP 1934 (1937), American Writers Union (AWU), American Newspaper Guild; Domicile Boston, Massachusetts; Sailed March 10, 1937 aboard the Washington; Arrived in Spain on March 30, 1937 and entered IB on April 4, 1937; Served with the XI BDE, Transport as an Ambulance Driver; Served at Guadalajara, then with 35th Division Sanidad as Driver of a surgical auto chir for Dr. Jolly; Served at Brunete, Quinto and Belchite; transferred to work at Albacete for three months editing English-American Bulletin as part of the press service, requested a transfer to the front in communications in February 1938; Later with 45th Division, Sanidad; Returned to the US on March 16, 1939 aboard the US Hada County; WWII US Army, joined June 3, 1942, rank Private; Mary Monica Milward came after Robert Allen to Rockport, MA in 1939 where they lived until 1941 when Robert Allen moved to Mexico (it appears). She left Mexico for England in 1942 and ended up returning to Chile where she was born in 1946; On Nov 15, 1941, Robert Francis Allen married Angela Armino Ferrer in Mexico City; He went to Mexico under the name Robert Francis Allen Pellinger (his mother's name was Pellinger and the Mexicans tagged on the Matronymic to the end of his name.)d. December 9, 1976, Guernavaca, Mexico.Source: Cadre; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 856, ll. 33-52; L-W Tree Ancestry L-W Tree. Code A
Photographs: Robert Allen in Spain. two from RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 856.