k- 27 years old; CP; Received Passport #361381 on January 13, 1937 which listed his address as 103 Elm Street, South Brower, Maine; Sailed January 6, 1937 aboard the Paris; Served with the XV BDE, Lincoln BN; Killed by a sniper while in the trenches, February 27, 1937, Jarama.Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; Americans and Canadians Killed in Spain Complete list to November 15, 1937, RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 956, ll. 30, fiche with date of death.
Photograph: Robert Webster Norwood. New England Fights for Democracy; and NMU's The Pilot, "They Died That Democracy Might Live, July 2, 1937, p. 9.