Robertson, Royce Walker. (Quinn, Robert Jennings); b. March 20, 1919, Greenville, NC; Father Cleveland Young Robertson (1886-1923), mother Lillie Mae Jennings (1884-1922); After the death of his parents Royce was in an orphanage; No party affiliation; Received Passport# 494466 on January 22, 1938 which listed his address as 1755 East 19th Street, Cleveland, Ohio; Arrived in Spain via Agullana on February 15, 1938; Served with an Unidentified unit likely with the XV BDE; WIA July 29, 1938; Deserted on September 1, 1938; Detained at Ripoll on September 3, 1938; Convicted and sentenced to 13 years in prison; Sent to Karl Marx Barracks and then transferred to Casteldefels and was still there on January 29, 1939 when facility was closed and prisoners released; Returned to the US on February 26, 1939 aboard the President Roosevelt; Married Myrtle Palumbo Vacirca (1916-2012) on May 2, 1939, in NYC; WWII joined the Royal Airforce, served under the name Robert Jennings Quinn; Served in 204 Squadron; In June 1942 on his first flight, Robert Quinn was shot down and was one of only six crewmembers who survived; He was killed on a flying mission July 18, 1943, when his aircraft was shot down Gibraltar.
Siblings: Brothers Charle Robertson (1910-?), Darwin Robertson (1904-?), and Cleveland Robertson (1916-?), sisters Nannie Robertson (1906-?), Hilton Roberton (1908-?), Lillie Robertson (1912-?), and Nell Robertson (1918-?).
Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; Figueres List; RGASPI; Find-a-Grave #15261672. Code A
Siblings: Brothers Charle Robertson (1910-?), Darwin Robertson (1904-?), and Cleveland Robertson (1916-?), sisters Nannie Robertson (1906-?), Hilton Roberton (1908-?), Lillie Robertson (1912-?), and Nell Robertson (1918-?).
Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; Figueres List; RGASPI; Find-a-Grave #15261672. Code A