Franchini, Rodolfo (Rodolfo Franchini); b. April 15, 1886, Ponte a Moriani, Province of Lodi, Italy; To the US in 1921; Italian American; Father Isidoro Franchini; Accountant; Communist; In 1934 he carried out intense political activity in the United States; Domicile NYC; To Spain February 1937; Served with the Garibaldi Battalion, Rank Teniente; Served at Arganda, Guadalajara, Huesca, and Brunete; Wounded in action; After recovering he rejoined the Garibaldi brigade; Wounded in action at Villanueva del Pardillo, he lost his arm; Wounded five times in total; Lost his left leg up to his hip due to wounds suffered at Brunete; Returned to the US on October 23, 1938 aboard the Britannic; Held at Ellis Island after his arrival; d. July 1978, Italy.Sources: “Rodolfo Franchini,” CPC busta 2154; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 3, Delo 453; Italian; La Spagna Nel Nostro Cuore; L-W Tree Ancestry.
Photograph: Daily Worker.