Ruivenkamp, Evert.b. September 3, 1915, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Dutch; Father Wilem van Eck, mother Jannigje Meurs; Evert returned to the Netherlands with his mother in 1916; Completed 6 months military service in 1935; Volunteered for the International Brigades, arriving in Albacete on March 31, 1938; Served in the XI BDE and later as a machine-gunner in the 15th Army Corps, admitted to the Spanish CP; Returns to the Netherlands and was stripped of Dutch citizenship; WWII, served in the Dutch Army and was captured by the Germans in May 1940 and released on June 10, 1940; He was active in the Resistance and was arrested on February 17, 1943 and sentenced to death, which was carried out on June 30, 1943; Ruivenkamp is included with the Americans due to being born in the United States. A detailed biographical sketch by Pauline van Tets is posted on the Dutch Volunteers web site.Source: Dutch Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War (Nederlandse Vrijwilligers in de Spaanse Burgeroorlog) accessed August 4, 2020.
Photograph: Evert Ruivenkamp, undated, Dutch Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War.