Karhu, Simo b. Finland; Finnish American; Carpenter; AF of L; Domicile 126th Street, NYC; Travelled on a Finnish Passport; 39 in 1938 (26 years old); Sailed March 12, 1937 aboard the Ile de France; Arrived in Spain March 23, 1937; Served with the XI BDE (Thaelmann), Edgar Andre BN, MG Co.; Transferred to the Albacete Auto Park September 11, 1937; Transferred to postal service (Servicio de Carreo) at Brigade Headquarters in Valencia as a Driver October 28, 1937 to May 2, 1938; Rank Sargento; Served at Guadalajara, Brunete, and the Aragon (Belchite); WIA April 23, 1937 and July 15, 1937, bullet and shrapnel; After leaving Spain Karhu was detained in a French Concentration camp; He was not allowed to return to the US and instead went to Finland and later to Sweden.Source: RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, De); Finnish; MPE.
Photographs: Simo Karhu; and group with standing l-r: Simo Karhu, Erkki Martikainen, and Frank Arvola; seated George Pulkkinen, Karhu. Meidän Poikamme Espanjassa (Our Boys in Spain).