Erickson, Thelma Shorey (Erekson/Erickson; Ingersoll, Thelma); b. May 18, 1909 (1907 passport), Lynn, Massachusetts; AMB; Father Leforest Shorey (1877-?), mother Helen Hawkins (1880-?); Attended New England Deaconess for Nursing school; Divorced (Married Roy Philip Erickson (1905-?) on January 29, 1932 in East Bridgewater, Massachusetts, son Carl L. Erickson (1933-?); Nurse; Received Passport# 452063; Part of the 9th American AMB group; Served with the Republican Medical Services, Chief Nurse at Villa Paz; Married Dr. Albert Byrne (1893-1978) in Valencia, Spain on February 22, 1938; Returned to the US on July 26, 1938 aboard the Ile de France; Divorced Byrne shortly after returning and the birth of their son Kenneth R. Byrne; In 1943 she remarried to a man named Ingersoll; Later divorced and married another man named Abbot at an unspecified date; d. October 11, 1997, as Thelma Helen Abbott, in Lynn, Massachusetts, cremated and ashes scattered in the Cremation Memorial Ground in Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachussets.Siblings: brothers Milton L. Shorey (1903-?), Merle K. Shorey (1907-?), sister Dorthy E. Shorey (1905-?).
Source: RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 886, ll. 55, ver archive general; L-W Tree Ancestry; Find-a-Grave #178717394. Code A
Photograph: 9th AMB Group including Thelma Erickson, from a photo taken on board the Aquitania, Frederika Martin Photo Collection, ALBA 1:1:22:1, Tamiment Library.