Weaver, Vaughn William (Weaver, Williams Vaughn; Weaver, Williams; Wacer, William Vaugheim); b. June 28, 1911 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Single; Driver; YCL 1933; Received Passport# 421353 on May 23, 1937 which listed his address as 201 (301) West 17th Street, NYC and 727 West Fayette Street, Baltimore, Maryland; Arrested on June 20, 1937 when the vessel he was traveling to Spain on, the Joven Teresa, was intercepted by the French aviso Granit near Port-Vendres; Arrived in Spain via Massanet on June 22, 1937; Served with the XI BDE; Appears to have made a trip to Russia while serving with the XI BDE; Returned to the US aboard the President Harding on February 9, 1939 (alt Washington same date).Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; Cadre; Figueres List; Joven Teresa list from a letter from Jean Massé to Jim Carmody dated November 30, 1988; L-W Tree Ancestry. Code A