Usera Battistini, Vicente (Vincent); b. December 10, 1908 Ponce, Puerto Rico, to NYC with family; Puerto Rican; Father José Vicente Usera Santiago, Mother Adriana Battistini; Prior service in the US Marine Corps, joined April 7, 1927, Served in China and Nicaragua, promoted to Lieutenant, officer in Nicaragua; His probationary appointment was revoked while he was attending his officer basic course; Single; Insurance Salesman; No political affiliation; Received Passport# 380055 on March 29, 1937 which listed his 280 Riverside Drive, NYC; Sailed April 28, 1937 aboard the Normandie; Arrived in Spain on May 30, 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Washington BN in training as a Company 3, Commander; Transferred to Lincoln BN, BN Adjutant, Rank Teniente; Served at Brunete; Relieved by Steve Nelson on July 15, 1937; Sent back to Albacete; On August 1st was given ten days leave in Benicasim; Went to Barcelona and contacted the American Consul about leaving; Was arrested and sent to Camp Lukas; Shortly after arriving he was assigned to the American Training Base as second in command to Major Johnson and as an instructor; Sent to the front in charge of 800 recruits on February 12, 1938; Placed in charge of a company; Deserted March 10, 1938 during the Retreats; Returned to the US on June 5, 1938 aboard the Blackhawk; WWII US Army Airforce, joined National Guard as a 1LT, promoted to Major during the war, he was reduced back to Captain after the war and remained on active duty, retiring as a Colonel; d. January 1982, Washington, DC.Sources: Sail; Scope of Soviet Activity; Washington; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 2, Delos 264, 265, 127; Opis 6, Delo 829, ll. 74-79; Opis 6, Delo 849, ll. 1, Special List for Personnel Service, I. Political Susect and Bad Element List, January 16, 1938; Opis 6, Deloi 1004, ll. 67-81, includes a four page interview of Usera by P. W. (Paul Wendorf) likely for the Historical Commission; Also a document called Visit to Tarazona Oct. 31 to Nov. 5, A Morning Tour with the Training Staff, November 3, 1937, no author listed; USSDA 2:0998, 61:0215; José Alejandro Ortiz Carrión and Teresita Torres Rivera, Voluntarios de la Libertad, Puertorriqueños en Defensa de la República Española 1936-1939. Code A
Photograph: Major Umberto Galliani, Bill Parker and Vincent Usera, Alcorisa, January 1938. The 15th International Brigade Photographic Unit Photograph Collection; ALBA Photo 11; ALBA Photo number 11-0792. Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012, New York University Libraries.