k-Keinannen, Yrjo George (Kainanen); Finnish American; Domicile NYC; Sailed April 7, 1937 aboard the Queen Mary; Served with the XV BDE, Washington BN, MG Co., Lincoln-Washington BN MG Co (Toivo Antikainen MG Section 21 men Squad 1 Toivo Suni, Commander; Carl Syvanen, Yrjo Keinanen, Waino Hamalainen, Alexius Salo, Raisanen, Sulo Niemi, Pyhatalo and Tanttila, acting Political Commissar; Squad 2, Henry Buska also Section Leader, Matti Haukkala, John Viitaniemi, Kerkkonen, Anttila, Matti Maki, Huosionmaa, and Jussi Savikko; Squad 3 Frans Pakkala, commander of squad, squad included other nationalities, Nilo Kruth was MG section leader); Cited for distinguished service at Brunete; Lincoln-Washington, MG Co. at Teruel; Transferred to the British BN; Killed in action March 17, 1938, Caspe, during the Retreats; During the retreats he was wounded in the leg, he told his comrades "Run as fast [as] hell, and give my regard to the others."Source: XV BDE; Finnish; Yrjo Keinanen, "The Conquest of Quinto"; MPE. Code A
Photograph: Yrjo George Keinanen, Meidän Poikamme Espanjassa (Our Boys in Spain).