Aalto, Yrjo Johannes (Aalto,Yrjo John); b. January 27, 1903, Finland; Prior military service during the Finnish Civil War, served in Red Guards in 1918; Single; Seaman; Antifascist; Domicile NYC; Sailed July 28, 1937 aboard the Washington; Served with the XV BDE, Mackenzie-Papineau BN, MG Co., Finnish Section; At Fuentes received citation for his conduct during battle; Sent to hospital for various illnesses; Requested transfer to guerrillas; Attended guerrilla training. Sent to Albacete to await orders; jailed there for intoxication; Transferred to 129th BN to undergo training; Returned to the front during the Retreats with XIII BDE, deserted to XV BDE; Rejoined Mac-Paps, MG Co. After Retreats Aalto attempted to get to Barcelona, he was apprehended and sent to Taragona Camp. He was a witness to the execution of three Finns; After May 1, 1938 he returned to the XV BDE, he spent 12 days in hospital due to stomach pains, thereafter returned to front and remained with Co. 2 until WIA on July 27, 1938; Left Spain on October 19, 1938 among group of 200 wounded veterans.Source: Inventory North Americans; Finnish; MPE.