Call to Action

ALBA’s Board of Governors encourages all friends and supporters to join us in taking action to provide aid to those afflicted by the war in Gaza. Board members have chosen to personally donate to two worthy organizations: World Central Kitchen and Standing Together. We ask you to consider doing the same.

Our call to action is in the best spirit of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade – true champions of human rights, justice, and freedom. We honor their legacy by calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza and the immediate release of all hostages, promoting peace and the well-being of all affected by the conflict.

We also reaffirm the importance of safeguarding the rights to political expression and assembly, which are fundamental to the working of a democratic civil society, and decry law enforcement-driven escalations on American campuses regarding student protest and dissent.

– ALBA Board of Governors

ALBA Statement on the Historic Surge in Worker Organizing

During this time of renewed labor action and organizing, ALBA reaffirms its support for the struggle for workers’ rights happening across the country. The headlines may announce victories, but they can also serve as a reminder that we must continue to be vigilant in the face of all attacks on organized labor and its hard-won gains for workers. The history of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade is solidly grounded in the principles of organizing workers, fighting for justice, and advocating for those whose voices might otherwise go unheard. We hope workers today can draw inspiration from the example of those members of organized labor who fought fascism in Spain, on the shop floors, in the shipyards, and in workplaces everywhere.

– ALBA Board of Governors

Statement on Climate Change

As unprecedented tragedies and calamities due to climate change continue to besiege our planet, ALBA views climate change as the defining issue of our time. While the Lincoln Brigade may not have envisioned this existential threat, they understood far more than others global perils of this magnitude, threatening our very existence. ALBA encourages members of our community to take all appropriate actions, including civic and political involvement, mobilizations and demonstrations, lobbying of elected and appointed officials, and personal efforts to lessen one’s carbon footprint.

– ALBA Board of Governors

Statement on Abortion Rights

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) stands with the majority of Americans who support ensuring access to safe and legal abortion for all. Intrusion into an individual’s reproductive life poses a direct threat to economic and social justice, with a particularly devastating impact on women of color and low-income families. ALBA opposes any and all attacks on the fundamental rights established 50 years ago in Roe v. Wade. Keep abortion safe and legal!

– ALBA Board of Governors

Statement on Invasion of Ukraine

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) condemns the invasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces. The resulting destruction, chaos, and loss of life is the sole responsibility of President Vladimir Putin, who has perverted the concept of anti-fascism to justify imperialism and these despicable violations of human rights. ALBA stands in complete solidarity with the Ukrainian people as they suffer these unprovoked and unjustified attacks.

– ALBA Board of Governors

Statement on the Passing of Manus O’Riordan

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives Board of Governors extends its deepest condolences to the friends and family of IBMT Ireland Secretary Manus O’Riordan. We were deeply saddened to hear of his passing at age 72. Manus often attended ALBA events, and regularly contributed to its magazine, The Volunteer. He was the partner of ALBA Board member Nancy Wallach. We are profoundly grateful for his work in the Trade Union movement and with the International Brigade Memorial Trust, preserving the memory of those who joined the fight against fascism during the Spanish Civil War. His writing and speaking on the topic of the International Brigades—in which his father, Michael O’Riordan, served as a member of the Connolly Column—has done much to further the cause of historical preservation that we hold so dear. Manus will be greatly missed by our entire community. ¡Salud, camarada! ¡No pasarán!
– ALBA Board of Governors

ALBA Condemns Anti-Asian Violence

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) condemns the appalling hate crimes against people of Asian descent. ALBA also condemns the use of racist rhetoric and terminology which has perpetuated anti-Asian stigma related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Just as Americans of Asian descent bravely served on the frontlines in the fight against fascism during the Spanish Civil War, over 2 million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are working on the frontlines in health care, law enforcement, first responders, transportation, supermarkets, and other service industries.

ALBA stands in solidarity with all who stand up and speak out against racism, xenophobia, discrimination, anti-Asian sentiment, scapegoating, and ethnic or religious intolerance.

– ALBA Board of Governors

ALBA Statement of Solidarity

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) honors the legacy of the 2800 Americans who offered their lives to fight fascism in the Spanish Civil War over 80 years ago. ALBA wholeheartedly rejects white supremacy and racial inequality. We condemn the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and the systemic police brutality in black communities throughout the United States. ALBA stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and fully supports the protestors who have confronted oppression and injustice.

– ALBA Board of Governors

The Lincoln Brigade In The News


  • A Lincoln Brigade Story: An episode of History Detectivesairing on June 28, 2011, includes the story of the friendship between Lincoln Brigaders Sol Fellman and Doug Roach, featuring interviews with Matti Mattson and Professor and former-ALBA Board Member Jim Fernández. View the 20-minute segment here.
  • Igor Moreno on remembering the Lincoln Brigade for Diagonal.
  • Marina Garde, ALBA’s former-Executive Director, speaks with Mexican writer Carmen Boullosa for a special on Spanish film for Nueva York, May 5, 2014.
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